Beni Kiko from Koi market
Beni Kiko from Koi market
I don't know about standards for beni kikokuryu, but I like the variety and the colors and pattern of this one are appealing. I understand sumi tends to change these with the season and as they mature.
Given the glare and the surface waves for these photos, it is difficult to be sure. But the tail may a bit thin for the body.
A very interesting mish - mash of strong colors and a balanced pattern.
Judging by the width of the girth of it's tummy, to the sudden sharp taper to the thin tail, I think it could be a female, which would do well
with quality growth food.
I cannot see it racing after the females.
For your future pics of fish,you will notice most photographers shoot head ons, to show up bent and disfigured bodies,which also shows
the pattern and the overall shape of the fish.
Last edited by coolwon; 3 Weeks Ago at 02:08 AM.