I got my hands on a new bakki shower cover and just love it! Some background, My skimmer circuit feeds my bakki shower about 4 to 5 k per hour. I am in zone 7 and have always run it year round. In the past I used 6 mil plastic secured with rope to bundle it up for the winter.
This year I have a wrapper made of tyvek type material that covered a bunk of foam insulation sheets. It's sewn into the shape of the bunk, 4 ft by 4 ft by 8 ft long. Instead of fooling around for 30 or 40 min. trying to make the 6 mil fit well this took about 2 min. Its secured with some landscape blocks around the base so if needed I can check things under the cover in just a couple of min. What a major improvement and much better fit! They would normally toss this in the trash so it was at zero cost.