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    Thread: Barly swollen koi with injury in the area

    1. #21
      kdh is offline Senior Member
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      Quote Originally Posted by coolwon View Post
      You read a bulge? You don't read 2 turtles, or see the one turtle in the picture?

      Maybe you would not notice the two injuries below the lateral line, which caused the bulge?

      Bad infection that blew out? Does the open raw pink wound look like it blew something out?

      I see raw red flesh,like a razor INVERTED V cuts caused probably by the bite from a turtle.

      Each wound looks like a pyramid,or inverted V. The shape of a turtles razor sharp beak.

      I don't see a wound caused by bacteria ,I see an open deep,to the pink meaty flesh a raw open injury.

      A turtle, taking or not taking a bite out of a fish is purely supposition on the day, and what it's motive was.

      Usually always hunger in the animal world.

      Red eared slider turtles have a animal protein diet of fish meat, insects and aquatic creatures in their water.
      I understand what you are saying., But they have been living in harmony before the new owners. However maybe the new owners dont feed the turtles and the old owners did. This could cause the possibility of attacks by turtles. Dont know what type he has or size. If they are small than no way. We do not know what started the infection. To blame the turtles for infection is speculative at best. Perhaps they are now going after the open wound? As I said before . I have seen this before and it looks very similar to what I experienced.

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    2. #22
      Carson Blocks is offline Junior Member
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      The koi did not make it today despite best efforts, but I really appreciate everyones help. I plan on sticking around to learn as much as possible about keeping the fish healthy and happy.

    3. #23
      Carson Blocks is offline Junior Member
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      Quote Originally Posted by kdh View Post
      I understand what you are saying., But they have been living in harmony before the new owners. However maybe the new owners dont feed the turtles and the old owners did. This could cause the possibility of attacks by turtles. Dont know what type he has or size. If they are small than no way. We do not know what started the infection. To blame the turtles for infection is speculative at best. Perhaps they are now going after the open wound? As I said before . I have seen this before and it looks very similar to what I experienced.
      The owners said the turtles just ate the same food as the koi, as well as algae. We kind of got thrust in to this fishkeeping thing when we started renting this place for work, I've kept a goldfish before and kept a $2 fish alive for near a decade but it turns out there is much more to learn about this outdoor pond.

      I'll be looking in to if I need to supplement their diet.

    4. #24
      Carson Blocks is offline Junior Member
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      Quote Originally Posted by coolwon View Post
      You read a bulge? You don't read 2 turtles, or see the one turtle in the picture?

      Maybe you would not notice the two injuries below the lateral line, which caused the bulge?

      Bad infection that blew out? Does the open raw pink wound look like it blew something out?

      I see raw red flesh,like a razor INVERTED V cuts caused probably by the bite from a turtle.

      Each wound looks like a pyramid,or inverted V. The shape of a turtles razor sharp beak.

      I don't see a wound caused by bacteria ,I see an open deep,to the pink meaty flesh a raw open injury.

      A turtle, taking or not taking a bite out of a fish is purely supposition on the day, and what it's motive was.

      Usually always hunger in the animal world.

      Red eared slider turtles have a animal protein diet of fish meat, insects and aquatic creatures in their water.

      The turtle might indeed be the guilty party, I can't say. Perhaps only because of the open wound? For order of events though, there was a worrying bulge there before, then the rearward lesser injury, then the deeper one.

      We weren't quite prepared to deal with this as we were just left food and basic care instructions, but are a little better set up now to monitor the water and treat any injuries as they come up. Still need to get a few things before I'd call us 'prepared' though.

    5. #25
      kdh is offline Senior Member
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      Sorry to hear this. I had a small tosai and another one that was just a little smaller than yours do this. They both did not make it either.

    6. #26
      fly4koi is offline Senior Member
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      Sorry to hear that, when you said it wasn't giving much struggle that was a bad sign... anyhow, you did what you can, perhaps it's just its time.

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