Good Evening,
A few months ago i purchased a small Star of Siam Lilly for my 4800 gal pond. It is now grown to MASSIVE size pads and 4 flowers.
My question is that being the zone i am in here in Tn. It will get very cold come November-Feb and there is no way this Lilly will survive the ICE we will get.
I want to keep it alive. If i removed it (its potted so it can be moved) and decided to put it in some kind of container in our Florida room (We keep it at 70degrees with other tropical plants and orchids) Will it survive? Or does it need a certain eco system where it feeds off the nitrites from the Koi and duckweed in the pond? Its such a beautiful flower and i dont want to lose it. So I thought relocating it to the Florida room in a long thin container might work. Does anyone else bring their Lilies in for winter? And how do you contain keep them alive? Pic of Lily attached
Thank you in Advance for any help,