We have had this fish since May and when it was little it had a light head but as it is getting bigger I don’t know if this is normal? The fish has always been active and first in line to eat. Would like to know if I should be worried.
We have had this fish since May and when it was little it had a light head but as it is getting bigger I don’t know if this is normal? The fish has always been active and first in line to eat. Would like to know if I should be worried.
Last edited by Neekybog; 4 Weeks Ago at 02:55 PM.
Color and pattern changes, probably normal.
It looks like it is recessed in?
Last edited by kdh; 4 Weeks Ago at 07:03 PM.
Yes it does look like that it is recessed in. Like he is bald. But been like that for months but it looks like it is bigger now that he is older.
Can you get a better photo of it?
Maybe net the fish and get a even better picture of the area, if it looks injured, treat with iodine (don't get into gill or mouth, eyes, etc) and see if it helps.
Ok I will try thank you!
I take it you are referring to the much lighter color between eyes?
I see mention,that the fish now has a scull condition,it has a depressed appearance.
I would think the fishes family genes are responsibly for both conditions.
The nose coloration can go either way.
The scull has a depression which developed from birth and will probable become more noticeable as it ages!
You can dry the area with a kleenex or paper towel. Apply iodine with Q tip or something similar. Do not get it in the gills and avoid eyes. Also take a quick look at the gills on both sides. You can use oil of clove 8 to 10 drops per gallon in a large bowl or some kind of container that fish fits into comfortably if your having problems treating because fish is to active. I generally fill the container to just cover its back. Mix the oil in a jar with water and shack vigorously apply in bowl and mix vigorously. This well help mix the product. Add fish. once the koi rolls over you can lift out. It the koi continues to flop than put back into container. Since your doing a minor treatment you can figure out just how much the koi should be knocked out. Once the koi is ready. Place the koi in a large wet towel with newspaper on top soaked in water. Shape the large towel or towels into a cradle to hold the koi up for treatment. Remove the water from bowl and apply fresh water from pond after treatment. The koi should wake up in a few minutes. Then put back into pond.
I have no idea what is going on with your koi but if you have a scope you can lightly scrape some of the area that the depression starts and take a look under scope.
Last edited by kdh; 4 Weeks Ago at 11:49 AM.
I haven't had any luck yet catching him. My pond is quite large and deep and I am afraid to stress him. Also I have never put a fish to sleep yet and I am very nervous about that. I do have a little 'medi kit' I purchased just in case (they do not have anything like this that I can find in Canada so had to ship from UK!). It includes:
Kusuri Masuizai Koi Sedate
Kusuri Roccal Wound Cleaner
Kusuri Anti-Bac
Kusuri Orahesive Sealer Powder
Kusuri Top Coat Sealer
I don't have oil of cloves. Can I use the Koi sedate instead?
Im sure you can. Dont worry. Its always tough the first time. Dont think you need the sealer powder or top coat. As it is not an injury and it looks like there is skin coverage. You dont have to use clove oil as koi sedate is Phenoxyethanol and works fine. You need to have two nets. And SLOWLY work the nets and enclose the koi. DO NOT RUSH. As the koi well simply swim away and then difficult to catch as it is now agitated and scared. If the koi takes off from you than be patient and let go and start all over. Watch the kois head and use the direction it is pointing to move the nets.Keep nets below the koi and work upwards. The koi well see one net and well head for the other net if positioned correctly. At times you can trap the koi on side of pond. Large openings in net can injure the koi if the fins get caught. So the smaller openings the better net.