Yonsai Gin Rin Aragoke Ochiba Koi
Hello everybody, just curious to see what everybody else thinks of this koi quality wise. This is probably one of my favorites because she always hand feeds. And it's the friendliest in my entire pond.
Last edited by sean83; 06-26-2024 at 08:58 PM.
Use a polarized filter / sunglass / 3D glass to reduce the reflection because it's hard to see? Or if you have the original stock picture when bought?
Wow a big one, good body shape and big metallic scales, quite special.
My comments are not a serious critique but ... She really gleams. And ochiba seem to have such sociable way about them. Great koi!
Yeah, definitely my most sociable fish by far. Comes right up to me. Every single time eats out of my hand.
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