If you like keeping adult males and females together, there is a way to greatly reduce the likelihood of spawning. That is to not give them any good spawning media to lay their eggs on. I don't keep any aquatic plants in my main pond, other than some algae on the sides. I also try not to let many fallen leaves gather up anywhere. In 16+ years I have not had a flock spawn in the main pond (* see note below). That said, it's not a perfect system and things can happen. A tree branch might blow into the pond or a koi net might fall in that they could spawn on or they may just decide to spawn anyway. But in my pond, it has been very rare. And I've never had a female get hurt from it. [Your mileage may vary.]
* Late one night about 12 years ago, we heard the koi splashing outside. I went out and saw a 12" female being chased by a big male. They were just getting started. I checked the sides and verified she had indeed laid just the first few eggs. I figured that soon the other 15 or so adult males would join in and she was at high risk. So the next time they swam by, I dipped her out and let her dump the rest of her eggs in a separate tub overnight. Everybody was fine.