While we welcome knowledge and helping members I need to address an issue...

Why are my posts moderated?

Posts are not approved/moderated because of the sales/marketing statements in forums other than Marketplace according to our Terms of Service for members. We will be happy to approve posts if you remove the sales/marketing statements in forums other than Pro Marketplace.

Terms of Service
I. Use of Koiphen forums for advertisement of your product or services must be done in the "Pro Fish/Dry Goods Marketplace" or "Pro Aquatic Gardening Marketplace".

Vendors may answer specific product questions or critiques in posts from other members or to respond in the Vendor Feedback Forum. No marketing or advertising will be allowed including signatures, personal profiles, in any thread postings. Excessive posting and/or failure to comply can potentially result in thread modification or removal, restricted posting, and/or membership termination/suspension.
Be aware that your product may attract criticism; please be prepared as we will not moderate product opinions. In addition, use of the Koiphen messaging system to advertise is prohibited."

Link to Terms of Service