A few weeks back, I came across this koi listed at auction on the Kodama Farms website.
The shiro utsuri is my favorie variety, and considering I don't have any in my pond yet, I'm always on the lookout for any interesting looking ones that become available at a decent price. Since this one was an Omosako bred female, I thought I'd take a shot. However, when I tried to place an opening bid, there was a glitch in the system... and it wouldn't accept bids. I figured they'd eventually become aware of the issue & fix it, but with just over one day to go until the end, I sent them an email. By the time they got back to me, the auction had ended. They, of course, apologized... but then offered to send me an invoice to buy the koi for $100. I had to jump on that!
She just got here today...
I'm very happy with this shiro! Obviously, for the price, I know it's a good deal. Critiques won't change my opinion, so let's hear them.
I know the black will become more pronounced as the koi matures, so I'm a little concerned about that. Will the head pattern develop? Will the body get too dark?