Baytril - Enroflaxacin. A fluoroqiunolone antibiotic sold by Bayer Corporation. It is a bacterial agent. The activity of enroflaxacin is concentration dependent-which means dosage has to be precise-a major reason why some will complain that Baytril doesn't work. Susceptible bacteria cell death: (gram-negative and gram-positive), occurs within 30 minutes of exposure.
Baytril injectable antibiotic is available in three strengths: 2.27%. 5% and 10%. The table below is calculated for 5% Baytril. Baytril in most cases should be the first injectable to use. It is powerful, forgiving, and in almost every instance healing is visible after three injections. The protocol for Baytril is three injections on consecutive days, then two more every other day (EOD) for a total of five injections. Like antibiotics for pets or yourself, it is best to follow through completely. Short-circuiting the injections will lead to resistant strains regardless of the injectable antibiotic used. Intraperitoneal injections are usually suggested and are the easiest and safest. Keep this product cool or refrigerate. Baytril is dated and has a fairly long shelf life.
One more thing about Baytril. There have been some cases of new imports being resistant to Baytril. While I know this may be true, it can also look like Baytril resistance when it is actually under-dosing of the antibiotic. Measure carefully and refer to the charts for accuracy. If 2.27% Baytril is all that is available, the dosage on this Baytril chart can be doubled.