I've ordered about $800 worth of koi from them. They are not like your Japanese koi, these were just some ginrin platinum, orenji, etc.
Shipping - I think they did great. I did the minimal cost one ($55?). It's insulated, plenty of water, the box is marked, the fish are active upon arrival.
Health - The fish, again, are active upon arrival. However, you will shortly find a problem with them from parasite(s). I did get in touch with NDK and they only recommend to use salt. I think it worked pretty well but I also treated the tank. From rumors, I heard their fish have been getting a lot of diseases from multiple buyers. However, all of mine are still alive and growing very well so I can't say it's that bad.
Overall - They have customer support that will help you pretty fast. The fish are not show koi and a bit expensive but you can find one that you like here and there. Just be aware that the fish will be sick so quarantine it.