How is it possible to fertilizer flowers for our pond without promoting algae? I get algae each year after fertiztion
How is it possible to fertilizer flowers for our pond without promoting algae? I get algae each year after fertiztion
What type of fertilizer are you using? Do you burry the fertilizer down into the soil or just sprinkle on top?
I used to keep lilies and other potted plants in my fish ponds and used a time released fertilizer like Osmocote that I rolled up in clay balls, then dried. Insert these into the pot substrate and very little if any will get into the water column. The clay will absorb the nutrients as they are released and plant roots will seek out and access them via the clay.
I never had an algea problem with this method. Now I keep lilies in their own dedicated ponds (unfiltered, still water) and use the same clayballs.
Any type of fertilizer that you use will need to be buried 3 to 4 inches deep and between the roots and pot edge. You can use the tablets or once a year spikes. For my water lilies in my pond, I use the once a year spikes every Spring. For my Lotus I use Pond Tabs. Hope this helps some.
Thank you. I will wrap each spike each month. Thank you