One question that gets asked a lot is how to upload pictures to the forum. There are several
different methods and everyone has their favorite, but I'll try and cover a couple that I've found
pretty simple and flexible. Please feel free to share your favorites!
There are other tutorials for basics of posting a thread so I'll just skip over that part here. The attachment process is
very much the same if you're posting in response to a post as opposed to a new thread but in this example I'll be
creating a new thread.
Once you know the forum you want to post in click it and choose Post New Thread...
Add your title and any text you would like above your image. Then find the Insert Image
icon in the edit choices...
The first option is to choose if the image is uploaded from your computer or an existing image on the forum or on the Internet...
In this example we'll choose one from our computer so we'll pick From Computer and then choose Browse...
You'll need to locate the file you want to upload from your computer and then double click it and it should show in the box to the
right of the Browse button where it originally showed No File Selected. Then click Upload File(s). It may take several minutes to
upload the files, depending on the size of the image...
Once uploading is complete you should see a screen similar to this. You can upload as many individual pictures
as you'd like and place text between them easily.
To preview what the post will appear like scroll down till you see the Preview Post and click it...
If you want to link to an existing image on Koiphen or one on the Internet, choose From URL.
Copy and paste the link to URL box below the Browse/From URL choices...
Uncheck the 'Retrieve remote file and reference locally' box.
It can be previewed the same as above...
An alternative to that method is uploading all the images at once. The draw back to this is it can be harder to insert text between
the images and you often won't get them in the same order that you uploaded them.
Scroll down below the Your Message section to Additional Options...
Click Manage Attachments...
This will open a second Manage Attachments window...
Click Browse and locate the file you want to upload. Repeat until you have all the images included. You can upload 5 files at a time
and can do more by repeating the process...
Click Upload to start the file transfer...
It may take several minutes depending on the size of the files. When the transfer is completed you should see the file names
under Current Attachments...
You can remove the files by clicking Remove below each file...
Click the Close this window box...
You should see a list of the current attachments. If you have additional files you want to add click the Manage Attachments button
again to reopen the second window to upload more files...
You can preview your post with the attachments by clicking the Preview Post button in the bottom of the Your Message section...
Click Submit when you're ready to post.
Hope that helps and feel free to add your tips if you have a favorite way you like to attach files too!