GoldieGirl- yes, bare bottom for the goldfish. Sand is the only substrate I would consider, but otherwise, I'm pretty sure I'm going bare bottom.
(Sorry, couldn't help myself.)
Catfish whiskers- I like your sump diagram. I love the wedge wire screen idea. Thanks for the tip to find scrap. I suppose you could rest the lower end of the screen in a PVC pipe with 1/2 or 2/3 cut off of it like a gutter to collect the waste. If you add a little slope you could flush the waste down (maybe it could be slowly pushed by the trickle from the herbie emergency overflow pipe), then if you drill a hole in the wall of the sump at the level if the gutter and connect it to a bulkhead/valve/hose you could just flush the stuff into a bucket when you clean.
Would love to see diagram if you have time, o/w totally beyond me.