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    Thread: ER and Health Issues Forum Behavior Protocols

    1. #1
      KoiValley's Avatar
      KoiValley is offline WWKC Lifetime Diamond Member #3
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      ER and Health Issues Forum Behavior Protocols

      ER and Health Issues Forum Behavior Protocols:

      If you consider giving advice in the ER forum, please pause to get information unless you believe the owner of the fish needs to take immediate action and cannot wait for proper consideration of the problem. In the past there have been posts which sometimes rush to guess about the problem and forget about trying to correct the issues that caused the problem. It would make sense to ask questions to get a better understanding of what may or may not be the issue.

      Here is a series of questions which could be asked. You can feel free to use any of these in any particular order which seems to be the most important for a new thread. They can be edited to directly address a particular problem where necessary.

      As you choose to copy and paste, please limit the number to six. Too many questions may overwhelm the OP. Try to encourage a response. Then state that you look forward to the response before giving suggestions, information or advice.

      In no particular order:

      When was the last time you added any fish.

      Do you have test kits? We would at least like to have ammonia, nitrite and pH readings.

      Describe your pond and filtration system.

      What is the current temperature of the pond.

      When was the last cleaning of your filtration system.

      How often do you clean the filtration units.

      Have any changes occurred in your pond in the last few months.

      Do you have a separate quarantine system for newly purchased fish.

      Is this the first problem you have experienced with your koi or have there been other issues in the past.

      Have you treated your koi for parasites.

      How did you treat them and what product(s) did you use.

      What medications and/or treatments do you have available.

      What is the current temperature of the pond.

      Do you have a good relationship with a veterinarian.

      If you are trying to help people on the ER Forum, you need to assess the hobbyists as well as the fish. If possible, they might be better off taking their fish to veterinarian, a local club member or at least doing a Scrape and Scope. If they are not capable or willing to do those things, your advice needs to be tailored to their abilities.

      If you are not willing to help someone who cannot Scrape and Scope, withdraw from the thread. If you disagree with the treatment that someone else is advising, give a clear explanation of why but do not attack anybody who is giving advice. Most intelligent people are persuaded by reasoned arguments, not personal attacks.

      People who are asking for help do not need to see people arguing with each other. Anyone who persists in doing that on the ER may have their posts moderated or deleted. It's not fair to those in need of help.

      If you are reading a thread on ER and think that someone is getting bad information or not enough response, pm a mod or Koi Health Care Committee member. However, disagreements about treatment are going to occur. That is only natural. People are going to have to decide for themselves who or what is "right."

      Joking around is not really appropriate until the emergency is over. Even then, some may know you are joking, but what if someone with a similar problem reads that thread later on and doesn't realize you were joking? Think about what wish to post. Re-read it and see if it would make sense if it were to be posted and read by people who don't know you.

      If you're not willing to focus on helping the individual, please do not post there. It's not fair to the person or the fish, or people who will read that thread for help in the future.

      I am very proud of the kind of help that is given in our ER Forum. It's one of the best places on the Internet to receive help for your fish. I just thought I'd take a moment to remind people what the forum is all about.
      Last edited by Marilyn; 02-08-2014 at 01:00 PM.
      Karl Schoeler, founder: EIHIOICGI

      Certified: AKCA Better Health Practices December 2008

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