No camera's... But just a quick, "come on over and check out my yard, and then
I'll come over
and check out yours!" kind of afternoon...
I met up with Ken (krury), who I only met through the powers of KP, and Jerry Hames, Pres. of Olympic Koi, Goldfish, & Water Garden Club, at Ken's house. And boy, Ken has an absolutely
amazing backyard!! If you didn't know any better, you'd swear you were at any number
of wild, natural, raging streams on the Olympic Peninsula! Truly a beautiful job! His pond and streams
will be part of the upcoming pond tour that's part of the PNKCA Convention on Aug. 10th-12th.
After some awesome brat's and asparagus that Ken cooked up for us, we ventured over to my place and
we shared some more koi stories... and of course, I got to show off Stephen's babies!! And,
as always, they were on their best behavior. My older pets, not so much... they were pretty shy,
but did finally come out and say .
But just wanted to add another real "face to face" meeting, that only happened because we had
KP in common!
Thanks to both Ken and Jerry for an awesome afternoon.