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    Thread: 8' long 300 gallon freshwater going in.

    1. #21
      rbarn is offline Senior Member
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      Quote Originally Posted by Brinkley View Post
      rbarn how are you planing on finishing your stand?
      Told them to try and match the existing would beams and trim work already in the room when they make the surrounding book case. They didnt act like it should be a problem
      Of course it will never be exact, but should be able to get it pretty close.

      Started the plumbing underneath this morning. Man this gonna be a huge pain to get done. Space is really cramped and I have a ridiculously complicated plumbing plan - lol
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    2. #22
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      Some pics of the plumbing
      The "Y" split is the return from the pump. I wanted to make sure flow was even on both outlets.

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    3. #23
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      I'm impressed with what you've done so far. Keep posting.
      “Since this is an era when many people are concerned about 'fairness' and 'social justice,' what is your 'fair share' of what someone else has worked for?”

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    4. #24
      rbarn is offline Senior Member
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      Quote Originally Posted by Brinkley View Post
      I'm impressed with what you've done so far. Keep posting.
      Thanks, you cant believe what a pain in the back, literally, it was to run and glue all those pipes and turns on the underside of that tank, Ugh. Hope nothing leaks cause that SUCKED.

      Fabricating the sump this weekend. Change of plans for it as well. Going to do a bag filter sump.
      I think this design will be fail safe and work well.

      Went insanely overboard on the pumps and UV lights, lol.
      Ordered (2) W.Lim Wave Series 1/15hp pumps and Lim 40W UV light big enough for a 2,500 gallon pond.
      One pump will be for tank circulation and will valved back to about 1,500-2,000 gph (5-7x per hour tank turnover) and the 2nd pump will pull off of and return back to the sump and circulate thru a series of 25 micron filters and DIY bio-media chambers.

      Last edited by rbarn; 11-19-2011 at 11:41 PM.
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    5. #25
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      Change of plans for the lighting.

      Had nice long talk with Ike at Ecoxotic. After hanging up I went online and ordered 3x of their new elliptical 12k White 100W Cannon lights and 4x of their 48" 24W Stunner strips with a 12k/Magenta combo. The magenta is to add in some of the reds missing in the 12k 100W lights. Thinking of ordering some of the RGB strips too that you can adjust to any color for highlighting. Like some blueish/green light to make the plants pop a little or some yellow if the 12k lighting is a little too harsh. All fixtures are infinitely dimmable and controllable through the Neptune Apex controller I am going to use.

      Not cheap at about $2,500 for lights.

      Will cut my power consumption in half. and reduce heat output down to nothing compared the MH's I was going to use.

      Top one. - double strip of them spaced out a little and running length of tank

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    6. #26
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      I had a buddy run the calculations for pathogen killing on my 40W UV. And I will need to cut flow in half or run 2 in parallel and I should get good pathogen exposure. He said he ran the numbers with 60% bulb efficiency too. I will order 1 or 2 more of same UV and add them to the system.

      So I had my cartridge filters show up and learning they need a high pressure pump to work right I was scratching my head on what to do with them. Decided they would make excellent moving bed bio filters with a little modifying. Going to run 3 or 4 in parallel. I think it should work well.

      Start off with empty filter housing. This nothing but a Pentair LifeGuard RTL pool filter cartridge housing. They come in 3 sizes.

      Cut some slots in the top of exit tube that is normally inside the cartridge filter and wedge a piece of plastic egg crate in there to block it off. I also drilled a bunch of holes in the side of the tube open the flow some more and give it a more random flow. Trimmed out the bottom of a cheap pool skimmer basket and enlarged the holes some with a drill to create a bottom plate for the media to rest on.

      Had a big bag of W.Lim sinking bio media left over from the koi pond project so that worked out perfect.

      Last edited by rbarn; 11-26-2011 at 04:35 PM.
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    7. #27
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    8. #28
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      Tested well water today with water filter sales rep.

      TDS - 1,100 - wow
      PH - 7.5
      Carbonate Hardness - 13 grains per gallon - wow liquid rock
      Iron - 0.5 ppm - not super high, but not low either

      Looking into a whole house 300-500 gpd RO system now with softner and iron filter.
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    9. #29
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      I would unless you would keep chiclids.
      “Since this is an era when many people are concerned about 'fairness' and 'social justice,' what is your 'fair share' of what someone else has worked for?”

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    10. #30
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      So Brink, .... How do you suggest I condition my RO water for proper hardness and mineral content. I need to set-up some kind of auto dose system based on the amount of RO I am dripping into the tank per day, so I can keep my constant drip water change plan.

      I also plan on a large RO storage tank out in the sunroom next to the pumps and would put auto dosing on it as well for large bottom siphon cleanings every other day.
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    11. #31
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      Years ago I used a formula given to me by Mark Weiss and purchased the, as I remember, 3 ingredients from a chemical supply house. I'll look and see if I can find it in my notes.
      Meanwhile here is a link to a forum that a cursory search brought up where they discuss reconstituting RO.

      “Since this is an era when many people are concerned about 'fairness' and 'social justice,' what is your 'fair share' of what someone else has worked for?”

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    12. #32
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      Can't find my paperwork, its been 15 years, but here is a link to a Weiss product that has the same ingredients in it. For the long haul one needs to purchase these ingredients in bulk and make their own.

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    13. #33
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    14. #34
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      WOW! You're real serious about all this aren't you.
      “Since this is an era when many people are concerned about 'fairness' and 'social justice,' what is your 'fair share' of what someone else has worked for?”

      Thomas Sowell

    15. #35
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      Dream tank

      You will be able to drink my tank water if you want to
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    16. #36
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      I just went through your thread on the Koi pond, didn't know that was going on. MAN! You've got a lot going on, plus a new home build?
      “Since this is an era when many people are concerned about 'fairness' and 'social justice,' what is your 'fair share' of what someone else has worked for?”

      Thomas Sowell

    17. #37
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      Just a remodel and upgrade of new 10 year old home to me. Ready for it to be done and move in already.
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    18. #38
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      Last of the plumbing parts I have been waiting for showed up today.
      $1,000 bucks in digital flow meters. One big one for each of the returns off the two pumps and the smaller 1" pipe one will go on the chiller bypass circuit so I know how much flow it is getting.

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    19. #39
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      Chiller? What is that for, if I may ask?
      “Since this is an era when many people are concerned about 'fairness' and 'social justice,' what is your 'fair share' of what someone else has worked for?”

      Thomas Sowell

    20. #40
      rbarn is offline Senior Member
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      Quote Originally Posted by Brinkley View Post
      Chiller? What is that for, if I may ask?
      Just in case. This is going to be a planted discus tank, which is an oxymoron in and of itself. lol. I will have to maintain temps exactly at 80* which is the high end for the plants and low end for the fish, so the chiller is there to help keep the plants happy. My "equipment room" is going to be a non-climate controlled sun room that can reach 90+ in the heart of the summer too. Going to insulate everything well and put it all in an insulated enclosure, but going to have some extra heat issues to deal with for sure.

      It's a small for chiller for the tank size too. 1/5hp. I also didnt want to have to ever put noisy fans over the tank to help control temps.
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