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    Thread: Judging at the All Japan Koi Show

    1. #1
      Russell Peters's Avatar
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      Judging at the All Japan Koi Show

      The AJKS is a promotional event put on by the Zen Nippon Nishikigoi Shinko Kai also known as the Shinkokai. The Shinkokai is a professional organization of dealers and breeders in Japan that was started to promote Koi. Over the years chapters of Shinkokai have opened in other countries. The US chapter now has 14 members and PSKoi is one of them. As a member we get the opportunity to Judge the Koi at the All Japan Koi Show. This is quite an honor as this show has the best fish in the world and the other judges are the best breeders in the world. This show, for anyone, is a great way to educate yourself in Koi. Where else can you go and spend two days looking at the best Koi in the world?
      Last edited by Russell Peters; 01-28-2011 at 07:45 AM.
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      Russell Peters's Avatar
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      The only draw back, that I can see, to being a judge is that you have to dress up.
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    3. #3
      Russell Peters's Avatar
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      There are seventeen individual size groups divided into 6 divisions for judging. they are as follows;

      Baby division (Yogyo)
      12BU up to 12cm
      15BU 12cm up to 15cm
      20BU 15cm up to 20cm
      25BU 20cm up to 25cm

      Young division (Wakagoi)
      30BU 25cm up to 30cm
      35BU 30cm up to 35cm
      40BU 35cm up to 40cm

      Adult division (Seigyo)
      45BU 40cm up to 45cm
      50BU 45cm up to 50cm
      55BU 50cm up to 55cm

      Mature division (Sougyo)
      60BU 55cm up to 60cm
      65BU 60cm up to 65cm
      70BU 65cm up to 70cm

      Jumbo division (Kyori)
      75BU 70cm up to 75cm
      80BU 75cm up to 80cm

      Super Jumbo division (Tiagyo)
      85BU 80cm up to 85cm
      90BU over85cm

      From the 55Bu size and up the male and female Koi are judged separately.

      Separation of type.

      Within each BU category, other than the males over 55BU, the Koi will be divided into 19 varieties.
      they are as follows;

      01 Kohaku
      02 Taisho-Sanke
      03 Showa-Sanke
      04 Utsuri-Mono
      05 Hikari-Muji
      06 Hikari-Moyo
      07 Asagi
      08 Shusui
      09 Goshiki
      10 Kawari-Goi
      11 A-Type GinRin (Kohaku, Taisho-Sanke and Showa-Sanke)
      12 B-Type GinRin (All others not included in A-Type
      13 Bekko
      14 Hikari-Utsuri
      15 Tancho
      16 Koromo
      17 Doitsu-Goi (Other than Shusui, Kumonryu and Hikari-Mono)
      21 Kujaku
      22 Kumonryu

      The male Koi over 55Bu will be divided into the following 7 varieties;

      01 Kohaku
      02 Taisho-Sanke
      10 Kawari-Goi
      11 GinRin-A
      18 Showa-Sanke & Utsuri
      19 Hikari-Mono (All Hikari-Mono)
      20 Doitsu-Goi (Other than Shusui, Kumonryu and Hikari-Mono)
      Last edited by Russell Peters; 01-28-2011 at 08:22 AM.
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    4. #4
      Russell Peters's Avatar
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      Standard for Judging

      I really like this one.

      Each Judge should make his / her decision based on body conformation, coloration, pattern, quality, character, dignity and over all look. Each decision will be registered with the judges name.

      It is interesting to note that, if you do not include you name on the ballot, it will be discarded and not counted.
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      Russell Peters's Avatar
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      There are 74 total judges including a "Chairman of Judges". The group of 74 judges will include nine "District Chairmen", one from each of the 9 districts. These 9 "District Chairmen" will be placed through out the judging area to ensure the smoothness and fairness of the judging process. The remaining judges will be placed into the 12 groups by drawing. Five additional judges, from overseas will be placed within groups 5 - 12 by drawing.
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      Russell Peters's Avatar
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      Selection of the Grand Champion (Sogoyusho)

      1). Every judge will make his / her selection for the best Koi in the show. The top 5 selected will be candidates to become the Grand Champion. If any Koi receives more than 50% of the vote, the Koi automatically becomes Grand Champion.
      2). Each judge will select and vote for one of five candidates for Grand Champion.
      3). The selected Grand Champion will be awarded Best in Size (Kokugyo) and best in Variety.
      4). The remaining 4 Koi that have not been chosen for Grand Champion will be returned to their original tanks and will be included in the regular judging.
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    7. #7
      rainblood's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Russell Peters View Post
      The only draw back, that I can see, to being a judge is that you have to dress up.
      Nice orangey peach tie...it really brings out your skin tone


    8. #8
      Russell Peters's Avatar
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      Types of Awards

      1). First place, Runner-up and Honorable Mention
      2). Best in Size Award (Kokugyo)
      3). Division Champion
      The Division Champions are as follows;
      Baby Size Division 15Bu to 25BU
      Young Size Division 30BU to 40BU
      Adult Size Division 45BU to 55Bu including 55BU male
      Mature Size Division 60BU to 70BU no males
      Jumbo Size Division 75BU to 80BU no males
      Super Jumbo Size Division 85BU to 90BU no males
      Mature Size Division 60Bu to 70BU (male)
      Jumbo Size Division 75BU to 90BU (male)
      4). Best in Variety Award
      5). Outstanding Award
      The Outstanding Award will be given to two Koi. One for the heaviest Koi, still maintaining normal body conformation, entered in the show. This award will be called the "Miya Hideo Award". The other outstanding award will be given to the longest fish entered in the show. This award will be called the "Yoshida Hiroshi Prize". The same Koi can not be awarded both titles in the same show.
      This prize is to acknowledge a hobbyist that has achieved superior raising techniques.
      6). Show's Special Encouragement Award (Sakura Award)
      This award will be given to the best Koi selected, from each size, except for Kohaku, Taisho-Sanke, Showa-Sanke and Shiro Utsuri.
      7). Sakura Champion Award
      This award will be given to the best Koi selected from the Sakura award winners.
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      Multiple Award Winning Koi

      Koi winning awards above first place may receive more than one award. The Koi will not be "moved-up" to the next higher position.
      In the case that the first place winnner also wins the best in Size and best in variety Awards, the Koi will only be awarded the certificate for first place.
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    10. #10
      Russell Peters's Avatar
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      Before the judging starts we are able to walk through the hall and view all of the Koi. The front section of the hall is full of empty tanks that are reserved for the major winners. This vat is waiting for the GC.
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      To either side of the vats for the GC and the main winners are the vats for the Best in Size and best in Variety awards. Along the wall, in the first picture, you can see pictures of all of the prior GC's.
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    12. #12
      Russell Peters's Avatar
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      At 9am we have to go into one of the conference rooms to get our judging assignments. this is done by lottery which means you reach into a bowl and pull out a piece of paper with a number on it. I drew #7 which meant I was in judging group #7 and we had the 65Bu size category to judge.
      Not long after this a meeting is called but, the problem with this is, it is all in Japanese. We are given the rules and regulations in English which helps a lot but I know we are missing something.
      Regardless of the language barrier, the amazing thing is that, you are sitting in a room full of the best breeders in the world.
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    13. #13
      Russell Peters's Avatar
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      Once the meeting was adjourned we were all told to leave our cell phones on the tables as no form of outside communication is allowed during the judging. Once we go in to judge they post guards on all the doors.
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      The first thing we are told to do is go up to the front of the hall and line up in groups. We all wore jackets with the number of our judging group on it. After some direction we were told to go out around the vats and look for a Koi for GC. You might recognize a few breeders in some of the pics. There is one picture in the group that show some of the past GC's, these are the ones I have have seen in person at the All Japan Koi Shows.
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      cdnhock is offline Senior Member
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      what is the signifigance to the guys in the green jackets looks like there might be one at each table

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      Once we had a chance to look for our choice of GC we all went back to the front and lined up. We were called up, by group, to put our ballots in a box. As the ballots were going into the box they would count, out loud, the number of ballots going in to make sure that all of us had voted, once!
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      Quote Originally Posted by cdnhock View Post
      what is the signifigance to the guys in the green jackets looks like there might be one at each table
      The light green jackets are the "District Chairmen" and they are there to make sure everything goes smoothly. There were also guys with darker green jackets and they were our fish handlers.
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      Once all of the ballots were cast they opened the box and began to count. There were several "Press" photographers there and they got pretty close so I decided to leave the line and get some closer pictures of the ballot counting.
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      After the first count a group of guys were sent to get the Koi and bring them into the vats up front for the final judging. Notice the small white net in this picture. it's what they used to corral these behemoths.
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    20. #20
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      After the first ballot two Kohaku were brought forward for the second round of judging. It was the Nogami Kohaku and the SFF Kohaku. They were put into vats that were numbered 1 to 5. When we voted the second time all we had to put down was a 1 or a 2.
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