This is a 16-17" certified female nisai (16 mos old) Omosako Shiro Utsuri that I just purchased from a hobbyist in San Jose. What do you guys think? Any potential? Keeper for now or time to rehome? From what I know, she grew from 10" this spring to her current size of 16-17" on Saki Hikari. I don't know anything about the previous owner's pond water parameters.
Any of you have any experience with the yellow color? If so, then will it clear up or will the yellow stay? Is this yellow a sign of too much San Jose sunshine, water parameters, diet, liver issue, and/or sex? Will Manda Fu, Hi-Silk, and/or Sweet Potatoes help to clear up the shiroji? The certificate says female but I know that certificates can be wrong.
From what I know, the previous owner hasn't tried to sex her. Even if he tries, I don't how accurate it will be at this age and season. I can't tell from looking at the shoulders and pecs whether it is a male or female. I love the torpedo-shaped bone structure (pixs can be deceiving though) and the balanced 1/3rd of pec depth motoguro. And the head. Who cannot adore that broad and beautiful head with eyes set shoulder-width apart and farther back towards the gill plates and a wide mouth. Do I hear jumbo, anyone? And more importantly, while she doesn't have the checkered pattern and desired odome, IMO, her sumi is of very high quality with some Magoi influence. Now if they all come up at the same time and the yellow clears up, I may have myself a beauty!
I am somewhat concerned about the short leading ray on her right pec as well. At this age, I don't know whether that ray will grow back. Anyways, any opinion and/or feedback is much appreciated.