I searched all over the net to find a homemade weedkiller and the one I used today is just amazing!! WARNING....IT WILL KILL EVERYTHING IT TOUCHES so please use VERY carefully.
Take one gallon of ordinary vinegar, one bag of regular table salt and a bit (2T) of dish soap. Then spray on what ever it is you want killed. I can't believe how quickly this works. I used it less than an hour ago and the weeds are ALL drooping! But SO WILL YOUR GRASS, so be prepared to have to reseed if you are doing a grassy area.
One problem we found was the pressure sprayer seemed to get clogged up with the salt so I would recommend straining it before putting it in the spraying. I did all those "patches" that appear in gravel driveways and just went out....everything I sprayed is all shriveld up, even that great big round leave weed. I'm thrilled!!It even seems to be working on bugle weed which has taken over part of our back lawn....we will have to reseed but at least that stuff will be dead!
Can you tell it doesn't take much to please me!! LOL![]()