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    Thread: An absolutely incredible weed killer...homemade

    1. #1
      Taigen's Avatar
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      An absolutely incredible weed killer...homemade

      I searched all over the net to find a homemade weedkiller and the one I used today is just amazing!! WARNING....IT WILL KILL EVERYTHING IT TOUCHES so please use VERY carefully.

      Take one gallon of ordinary vinegar, one bag of regular table salt and a bit (2T) of dish soap. Then spray on what ever it is you want killed. I can't believe how quickly this works. I used it less than an hour ago and the weeds are ALL drooping! But SO WILL YOUR GRASS, so be prepared to have to reseed if you are doing a grassy area.

      One problem we found was the pressure sprayer seemed to get clogged up with the salt so I would recommend straining it before putting it in the spraying. I did all those "patches" that appear in gravel driveways and just went out....everything I sprayed is all shriveld up, even that great big round leave weed. I'm thrilled!! It even seems to be working on bugle weed which has taken over part of our back lawn....we will have to reseed but at least that stuff will be dead!

      Can you tell it doesn't take much to please me!! LOL
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      Mommajoan's Avatar
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      Question.....how much salt is in a bag??? We don't get it in bags...

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      ma barker is offline Corsair Extraordinaire
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      What is a 'bag' of salt Bev? Ours comes in a cardboard 'can'....26 oz.

      I can't wait to try this....I hope it will also kill the dreaded Bermuda grass......
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      I have no problems with roundup killing bermuda. The only thing you have to remember is that round up does not kill the ground. so as soon as the bermuda that you did not spray starts growing it will take the otheres place. I would be more worried about putting salt in my soil that roundup.

    5. #5
      Plantoholic is offline Senior Member
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      Wonder if you could heat the vinegar first because then the salt would dissolve better. Can't wait to hear how much salt
      Another Cindy

    6. #6
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      Hi folks....I used 1kg of table salt...and there is still salt in the bucket after we strained it. I am going to keep it for another time we need it. It takes quite a bit of stirring to get it mixed up and as I said there was still some in the bottom.
      I have never dealt with bermuda grass so I can't say....but if you could see what it has done with a WIDE variety of weeds here...I am totally amazed at it. I just had to share it with others!! The other thing I like is the spray that I used is very controlled so even on the lawn when a dandelion rears it's ugly head I can just spray it. Can't think of the name of that big round leaf weed, everytime you try to pull it it breaks off and the roots grow stronger...but they are all shrivelled up now THe awfule bugle weed is also shrivelled oh I could go on and on!! LOL
      Under the new deck that we put at the pond....we SHOULD have put the fabric down before the deck..but we didn't and you could actually see the tall grass lay down...it has turned yellow yet but it is all just laying down.
      The soap helps bind the vinegar and salt to the plant by the way.
      Have fun There's so much enjoyment in killing weeds that have bugged you forever!!!
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      Mommajoan's Avatar
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      Gary...what's wrong with salt???

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      kntry's Avatar
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      Thanks a MILLION for this. I knew I must have missed something with the vinegar. I tried straight vinegar a few weeks ago. The weeds started to turn brown but came back.

      I must spend over $100 a year on Roundup. I haven't bought any this year and have weeds knee high to a grasshopper everywhere.

      I know what I'll be doing this weekend!
      CKK, KHA

    9. #9
      Lynn is offline Inactivated
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      OH BOY!!!!! I can't wait to try this by the koi pond! Thanks, Bev! I was worried about using any type of herbicide that close to the ponds....the frogs from the water garden could stray there and I didn't want them getting it on themselves if they hopped thru the weeds and I didn't want to track it into the flower beds on my shoes. YAY!

      Oh....1K = 2.20 Pounds

    10. #10
      Plantoholic is offline Senior Member
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      Quote Originally Posted by Lynn

      Oh....1K = 2.20 Pounds
      Thanks, Lynn I was gonna have to ask that

      That is a lot of salt
      Another Cindy

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      OK, I just tried some.... but I used distilled white vinegar and a less accurate measurement of salt since I was only making a spray bottle full...... I nuked the bottle with the vinegar and salt to help dissolve the salt..... then a added a bit of dish soap..... we shall see....

      Thanks for the formula Bev!

    12. #12
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      Quote Originally Posted by kntry
      2.2 lbs. to how much vinegar?
      1 gallon....

    13. #13
      Mommajoan's Avatar
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      Does any one know why Gary was afraid of the salt???

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      Joann, the salt will stay in the ground and keep anything else from growing there. But if you don't saturate the ground, it should be a problem.
      CKK, KHA

    15. #15
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mommajoan
      Does any one know why Gary was afraid of the salt???
      Salt kills plantz.... hence the weed killing formula... but it could stay in your soil and make it so new plants might be killed also....

    16. #16
      Roark's Avatar
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      I use a bit of dilute nitric acid on the really nasty weeds that RoundUp won't touch. Works great on anything green, but in a few weeks and several rainfalls later, it gets degraded to a high-nitrogen fertilizer. In the meantime, it's a sterilant, and wicked-bad on anything buggy, green or (gulp!) human.

      If your vinegar/salt formula works as advertised, then I'm all for another tool in the arsenal! And talk about cheap! COOL!

      HEY!!! Just thinking out loud here: Not only will it kill your weeds... you can also use the last dregs in the bottle to put on deep-fried fish sticks and fries! Nummerz!!! Try THAT with Round-Up!!!

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    17. #17
      WinginSue's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Roark
      dilute nitric acid

      Keep in mind Roundup doensn't kill the ground but it does kill the worms and such critters in the ground.

      Member of the Blabbermouth Club

    18. #18
      Taigen's Avatar
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      Okay...this is weird but I am going to post the pics of some of the weeds that I just took. The first one you can see which side of the bugle weed I sprayed and which I didn't. The other pics speak for themselves. I noticed the taller weeds (photo by the painted tobbogans) have drooped considerable but not as much as the shorter weeds.
      To answer some of the questions; it is regular table salt, I don't know if the iodine has something to do with it or not. I think you could cut down by half the salt content as I have a tremendous amount left in a bucket. I strained it because it was clogging the sprayer. The vinegar is just plain old vinegar. I stirred and stirred but the salt never totally dissolved, hence the straining. I have no idea if these things will grow back or not...you don't saturate the ground, you spray the plant leaves and I'm sure some runs down the stem to the roots. I haven't tried planting anything else in the spots as this is the first time trying it so I can't say if there is a residual effect but I can't imagine there would be for any time.
      Anyway...hope that answers your questions and here are the pictures
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    19. #19
      L5Vegan's Avatar
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      Dissolving salt idea.

      Add 3 quarts water and 1kg salt to pan.
      Bring to boil to help dissolve salt.
      Let cool.
      Add dish soap and 1 quart vinegar concentrate.

      Whacha think?
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    20. #20
      Taigen's Avatar
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      Gee I have never seen the vinegar concentrate either! I'll have to look for it. I imagine the smell of heated vinegar would soon engulf your kitchen LOL!! Then we would all have the munchies for chips hahaha
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