Potassium Permanganate (PP) Calculator
Amount of Water Amount of Potassium permanganate
Gallons - US Liters ppm PP Ounces Grams

Why use pp? PP is often used for parasites, especially costia and tricodinia. Normally, between 1.5 - 4.0 ppm are used. Baths are sometimes used, consult a qualified person for procedures. Some people use PP for pond cleanup, this is usually in the 0.25-0.75 ppm range. Also, plants can be cleaned with a 2 hour dip at 20 ppm. Potassium Permanganate stains fabrics badly, and can stain human skin to a deep brown color, a staining that lasts up to 12 hours. Eye protection should be worn whenever this compound is in service.
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I'm confident this calculator is accurate, but things happen. Use it at your own risk,
Calculators Provided by Koi and Water Garden Society of Central New York