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  1. hanky panky
  2. Stephen's babies
  3. What to expect w/ spawning fish?
  4. 2 Xciting Not 2 Share ~~ March 2007 Grow Out
  5. My fish have been spawning....
  6. Spawning questions...need asnwers :D:
  7. My First Attempt at Raising Koi Eggs...
  8. Possible spawn injury?
  9. Was gonna post that my eggs have eyes...
  10. Breeding?
  11. methylene blue
  12. Spawning injury
  13. My Koi Spawned!
  14. Koi Spawning Questions...
  15. What to feed baby koi?
  16. Cold Fry
  17. between breeding your own and buying #1
  18. Welcome to the Amateur Breeders Forum!
  19. My Planned breeding..Goshiki-Showa!!
  20. Things Happen FAST
  21. Another fry question.
  22. fish eggs
  23. Hey Stephen - how is it coming?
  24. Koi spawn from Brett Raffle #3 ?
  25. Baby Koi
  26. koi babies
  27. Breeding Sanke
  28. breeding?
  29. Fry question for you guys
  30. When remove spawning mat?
  31. sarrassa or koi?
  32. Was gonna ask, but...
  33. Red Fantails
  34. Expert Fry Culling
  35. fry feed
  36. Finally Spawned!
  37. Building a Grow out pond for fry?
  38. Brine Shrimp Help!
  39. Mother's Day Babies
  40. Stephen
  41. new pics
  42. can i move babies yet
  43. Possible Spawnning??
  44. breeding?
  45. Babies at 58 days
  46. backyard breeding/why I still work for a living
  47. Tiny Babies!
  48. new pics
  49. How do you keep fry living more than a week ?
  50. all babies died
  51. Caring for New Fry
  52. Who's my DADDY! Parents and Fry
  53. Females... Do they
  54. I figure it is not normal
  55. doitsu dominant or recessive trait?
  56. General question on bloodlines
  57. How to create a 15" (max size) goldfish or koi?
  58. He was a she and She spawned!
  59. Platinum Ogon Butterfly Fry
  60. my babies..
  61. Fry questions
  62. I want to breed wakins (NEED HELP!)
  63. To cull or not to cull
  64. A strange question...
  65. Wintering small Koi
  66. My 2008 Planned Koi Spawning...
  67. Ghost Koi
  68. koi gene tree
  69. What do you?
  70. A big Project for you all
  71. New Fry
  72. infusoria recipies and evaluating the soup you made
  73. Small question
  74. DIY Spawning rope
  75. Ochiba
  76. Planned spawning using sibling Koi...
  77. hello guys, few questions about koi
  78. Orandas and Skimmers
  79. My lone female female lays eggs
  80. Are swimming pools acceptable.
  81. How do you get Gin Matsuba?
  82. Is this a koi, comment, goldfish or a mix???
  83. questions on treating for parisites
  84. My first successful fry hatch
  85. Fry and their egg sac...
  86. When separate tobies? Cannibalism prevention
  87. my spawn 2008
  88. How to grow little worms and feed to fry
  89. Shiro utsuri x ???
  90. Spawning Help
  91. Are koi fry photopositive?
  92. Excess milt in the water?
  93. And it begins again...
  94. New Spawn
  95. Housing for the eggs
  96. Koi spawned!
  97. First Time with Fry....Any Idea what created this???
  98. Showa x Showa? Good or bad???
  99. Eggs
  100. koi spawning
  101. Eggs? Help
  102. Fish had babies
  103. We have babies
  104. For Adults Only Pics!
  105. How Big do kois have to be in order to breed?
  106. Fry Less Than A Week Hatched
  107. koi spawn
  108. Is it possible to identify what type of frys at 1 month old?
  109. 2006 And 2007 Spawn,
  110. Spawn Questions
  111. Uncontrolled Spawn 2008
  112. Lets Talk Fry
  113. hybridizing attempts
  114. fry basket
  115. Culling Methods
  116. mother nature wins again...
  117. Big Culling Day
  118. A Baby Ruby
  119. My Chagoi And Kohaku Fry Pics
  120. Baby kohaku
  121. Culling Kohaku Question
  122. Question about Fry color
  123. You Want Fry Pics! You Gotta Em
  124. new pics of fry
  125. Spawn Questions!
  126. Fry survival question in a natural pond
  127. Good or Bad?
  128. Some of this years koi....
  129. Advice: bringing koi babies into the house for winter.
  130. My first koi babies
  131. Surprise we are parents...
  132. Fall Harvest
  133. Koi Pairing help...
  134. First Time Spawn Pictures - need some help on raising them... thanks!
  135. help me sort koi from goldfish
  136. what do they look like
  137. Pics showing how to sex koi?
  138. want to know what kind of fruit to feed
  139. Some Of My Bling Babies
  140. Koi/Goldfish hybrids
  141. my sanke babies.
  142. Spawning question
  143. January 4TH 2009 Babies
  144. January 16th Babies
  145. Unexpected spawn, need guidence
  146. Breeding Koi in Kiddie Pools?
  147. Good news for all amature breeders.
  148. Huge diff in fry growth??
  149. koi development photos?
  150. Good Fry Food
  151. Crazy mutts!!!!!!!!!
  152. advise on make kohaku parent set.
  153. Beginner questions???
  154. Koi spawning supplies available...
  155. When can they go in the pond?
  156. One lone survivor
  157. Need help pairing koi
  158. There's a Moon Out Tonight------:wee_hee:
  159. Feeding Fry Algae
  160. Triggering the Koi Breeding Process
  161. Question about koi breeding setup
  162. Eggs!!!!!!
  163. My Koi Bred!!!!
  164. Newbie fry question
  165. Fry color?
  166. breeding shusui
  167. Koi Fry Questions...Please advise
  168. Found fry in my settling chamber
  169. Help please!!! My koi spawned!
  170. Best suitor......?
  171. Fry Filter
  172. 2009 project on Kohaku breeding.
  173. Fry Mortality Rate...
  174. Egg Development!
  175. Natures way
  176. When to cull
  177. Sharing pics of my Fry...
  178. Pre-spawning behavior
  179. Malachite Green Question
  180. results of a flock spawn from july 08
  181. Orgy time
  182. What do you think of this fry diet?
  183. Koi fry
  184. Vacay & Fry ?
  185. Good Fry Raising Environment?
  186. fry colors
  187. How many fry per 100 G
  188. need expert's opinion
  189. Question on Intex pool for fry
  190. My Fry Is Missing
  191. Culling Sanke & Kohaku fry
  192. Moved the Fry To an Aquarium...
  193. 2-4 inch koi
  194. Metallic Babies
  195. Water Change And Cleaning Help
  196. spawning concerns!!
  197. 2009 project for Showa breeding.
  198. Which is dominant?
  199. Fry comparison
  200. how can you tell if they are full of eggs?
  201. no spawn so far
  202. Breeding Ogon vs Breeding Sanke/Kohaku/etc
  203. kumonryu breeding
  204. Has Anyone Used this?
  205. What happens to fry colours.
  206. sanke and kohaku
  207. What do I look for during culling?
  208. This years bling
  209. failed fry raising
  210. ki shusui project with a twist :)
  211. Pictures of my fry
  212. I had fry
  213. Trying for Sanke
  214. wintering koi babies
  215. growth stages. ??
  216. 2009 Backyard project
  217. My first fry KOI
  218. im no breeder but
  219. Breeding Question
  220. Breeding questions
  221. Breeding process
  222. would they make good babies?
  223. Lost a bunch of my Tosai!
  224. Seine net for fry
  225. Daphnia Questions
  226. Daphnia Questions
  227. Spawning Material
  228. Tobies
  229. grow out pool
  230. eggs wanted
  231. help spawning information
  232. Chicken Manure
  233. sexing butterfly koi
  234. 2 questions
  235. 2010 March, Koi spawnning
  236. I'm trying to breed my Kohakus....
  237. New breeding setup - input please! :)
  238. My Breeding Plan....
  239. northeast breeding -
  240. Juvenile Size
  241. Female vs Male ratio
  242. Ugly Koi
  243. Another March Spawning...
  244. Group spawn
  245. culling fish
  246. Fish eggs...
  247. Last springs spawn
  248. need help koi just spawned (first time for me)
  249. My New Koi
  250. control spawned for ochiba