- hanky panky
- Stephen's babies
- What to expect w/ spawning fish?
- 2 Xciting Not 2 Share ~~ March 2007 Grow Out
- My fish have been spawning....
- Spawning questions...need asnwers :D:
- My First Attempt at Raising Koi Eggs...
- Possible spawn injury?
- Was gonna post that my eggs have eyes...
- Breeding?
- methylene blue
- Spawning injury
- My Koi Spawned!
- Koi Spawning Questions...
- What to feed baby koi?
- Cold Fry
- between breeding your own and buying #1
- Welcome to the Amateur Breeders Forum!
- My Planned breeding..Goshiki-Showa!!
- Things Happen FAST
- Another fry question.
- fish eggs
- Hey Stephen - how is it coming?
- Koi spawn from Brett Raffle #3 ?
- Baby Koi
- koi babies
- Breeding Sanke
- breeding?
- Fry question for you guys
- When remove spawning mat?
- sarrassa or koi?
- Was gonna ask, but...
- Red Fantails
- Expert Fry Culling
- fry feed
- Finally Spawned!
- Building a Grow out pond for fry?
- Brine Shrimp Help!
- Mother's Day Babies
- Stephen
- new pics
- can i move babies yet
- Possible Spawnning??
- breeding?
- Babies at 58 days
- backyard breeding/why I still work for a living
- Tiny Babies!
- new pics
- How do you keep fry living more than a week ?
- all babies died
- Caring for New Fry
- Who's my DADDY! Parents and Fry
- Females... Do they
- I figure it is not normal
- doitsu dominant or recessive trait?
- General question on bloodlines
- How to create a 15" (max size) goldfish or koi?
- He was a she and She spawned!
- Platinum Ogon Butterfly Fry
- my babies..
- Fry questions
- I want to breed wakins (NEED HELP!)
- To cull or not to cull
- A strange question...
- Wintering small Koi
- My 2008 Planned Koi Spawning...
- Ghost Koi
- koi gene tree
- What do you?
- A big Project for you all
- New Fry
- infusoria recipies and evaluating the soup you made
- Small question
- DIY Spawning rope
- Ochiba
- Planned spawning using sibling Koi...
- hello guys, few questions about koi
- Orandas and Skimmers
- My lone female female lays eggs
- Are swimming pools acceptable.
- How do you get Gin Matsuba?
- Is this a koi, comment, goldfish or a mix???
- questions on treating for parisites
- My first successful fry hatch
- Fry and their egg sac...
- When separate tobies? Cannibalism prevention
- my spawn 2008
- How to grow little worms and feed to fry
- Shiro utsuri x ???
- Spawning Help
- Are koi fry photopositive?
- Excess milt in the water?
- And it begins again...
- New Spawn
- Housing for the eggs
- Koi spawned!
- First Time with Fry....Any Idea what created this???
- Showa x Showa? Good or bad???
- Eggs
- koi spawning
- Eggs? Help
- Fish had babies
- We have babies
- For Adults Only Pics!
- How Big do kois have to be in order to breed?
- Fry Less Than A Week Hatched
- koi spawn
- Is it possible to identify what type of frys at 1 month old?
- 2006 And 2007 Spawn,
- Spawn Questions
- Uncontrolled Spawn 2008
- Lets Talk Fry
- hybridizing attempts
- fry basket
- Culling Methods
- mother nature wins again...
- Big Culling Day
- A Baby Ruby
- My Chagoi And Kohaku Fry Pics
- Baby kohaku
- Culling Kohaku Question
- Question about Fry color
- You Want Fry Pics! You Gotta Em
- new pics of fry
- Spawn Questions!
- Fry survival question in a natural pond
- Good or Bad?
- Some of this years koi....
- Advice: bringing koi babies into the house for winter.
- My first koi babies
- Surprise we are parents...
- Fall Harvest
- Koi Pairing help...
- First Time Spawn Pictures - need some help on raising them... thanks!
- help me sort koi from goldfish
- what do they look like
- Pics showing how to sex koi?
- want to know what kind of fruit to feed
- Some Of My Bling Babies
- Koi/Goldfish hybrids
- my sanke babies.
- Spawning question
- January 4TH 2009 Babies
- January 16th Babies
- Unexpected spawn, need guidence
- Breeding Koi in Kiddie Pools?
- Good news for all amature breeders.
- Huge diff in fry growth??
- koi development photos?
- Good Fry Food
- Crazy mutts!!!!!!!!!
- advise on make kohaku parent set.
- Beginner questions???
- Koi spawning supplies available...
- When can they go in the pond?
- One lone survivor
- Need help pairing koi
- There's a Moon Out Tonight------:wee_hee:
- Feeding Fry Algae
- Triggering the Koi Breeding Process
- Question about koi breeding setup
- Eggs!!!!!!
- My Koi Bred!!!!
- Newbie fry question
- Fry color?
- breeding shusui
- Koi Fry Questions...Please advise
- Found fry in my settling chamber
- Help please!!! My koi spawned!
- Best suitor......?
- Fry Filter
- 2009 project on Kohaku breeding.
- Fry Mortality Rate...
- Egg Development!
- Natures way
- When to cull
- Sharing pics of my Fry...
- Pre-spawning behavior
- Malachite Green Question
- results of a flock spawn from july 08
- Orgy time
- What do you think of this fry diet?
- Koi fry
- Vacay & Fry ?
- Good Fry Raising Environment?
- fry colors
- How many fry per 100 G
- need expert's opinion
- Question on Intex pool for fry
- My Fry Is Missing
- Culling Sanke & Kohaku fry
- Moved the Fry To an Aquarium...
- 2-4 inch koi
- Metallic Babies
- Water Change And Cleaning Help
- spawning concerns!!
- 2009 project for Showa breeding.
- Which is dominant?
- Fry comparison
- how can you tell if they are full of eggs?
- no spawn so far
- Breeding Ogon vs Breeding Sanke/Kohaku/etc
- kumonryu breeding
- Has Anyone Used this?
- What happens to fry colours.
- sanke and kohaku
- What do I look for during culling?
- This years bling
- failed fry raising
- ki shusui project with a twist :)
- Pictures of my fry
- I had fry
- Trying for Sanke
- wintering koi babies
- growth stages. ??
- 2009 Backyard project
- My first fry KOI
- im no breeder but
- Breeding Question
- Breeding questions
- Breeding process
- would they make good babies?
- Lost a bunch of my Tosai!
- Seine net for fry
- Daphnia Questions
- Daphnia Questions
- Spawning Material
- Tobies
- grow out pool
- eggs wanted
- help spawning information
- Chicken Manure
- sexing butterfly koi
- 2 questions
- 2010 March, Koi spawnning
- I'm trying to breed my Kohakus....
- New breeding setup - input please! :)
- My Breeding Plan....
- northeast breeding -
- Juvenile Size
- Female vs Male ratio
- Ugly Koi
- Another March Spawning...
- Group spawn
- culling fish
- Fish eggs...
- Last springs spawn
- need help koi just spawned (first time for me)
- My New Koi
- control spawned for ochiba