View Full Version : Salt and Fresh Water Aquariums

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  1. Electric Blue Cichlid
  2. I opened the aquarium and found a big egg mass or an alien
  3. New Aquarium Fish
  4. You asked for pictures
  5. Aquarium set-up
  6. Good marine aquarium sites? Both for info and commercial?
  7. Monterey Bay Aquarium
  8. And the Oscars go to.........
  9. Biggest aquarium - Atlanta - Whale sharks
  10. Stupid aquarium question
  11. Blammo, This African Cichlid Tank Big Enough For You???
  12. Ripley's Aquarium Myrtle Beach, SC ~Pics~
  13. new aquarium!
  14. Aquarium, Filter, and Fish Recommendations?
  15. Wayne's Fish Tank - Photos and Journal
  16. Aquarium filter
  17. Downtown Aquarium
  18. More Aquarium Photos
  19. Show Us Your African Cichlid
  20. Best aquarium filtration?
  21. Aquarium as QT & UVs installed...
  22. Question on indoor fish tank
  23. The Aquarium of the Americas - Reopening next week after losing 10,000+ fish in storm
  24. Koikeeperteachers Class Aquarium
  25. easier than koi..
  26. Coral Color picture
  27. salt water gurus
  28. some coral pics
  29. New fish tank that makes it easy to do water changes
  30. 125 gal aquarium filter question
  31. Georgia Aquarium looses whale shark
  32. saltwater tank event
  33. Salt water forum?
  34. Welcome to the Salt and Fresh water Aquariums Forum!
  35. My Fresh Water Pets
  36. What Kind Of Fresh Or Salt Water Fish
  37. Who Has Angel Fish
  38. My main 155 reef tank
  39. Thinking about doing a saltwater tank
  40. My 250 gallon reef tank
  41. do you need a Refugium
  42. uv lights in salt water reef tank?
  43. My S.American cat
  44. New Aquarium smell
  45. New tank-lower PH-help
  46. My Betta Buddies
  47. Free Butterkofi Cichlid...
  48. Pondquarium
  49. Oscars
  50. Plecos
  51. Betta question
  52. Artificial Reef Failure
  53. Seahorse Video
  54. 75 gallon tank
  55. reef tank pics
  56. Some new coral
  57. Aquarium Adventure store in Columbus Ohio
  58. Aplocheilus lineatus...
  59. How hard are reef tanks?
  60. hitchhiking sea slugs??
  61. here it is 46 gallon redo again
  62. Nano Cubes?
  63. I dumped my betta tanks
  64. Experienced Reef Keepers.
  65. Our new Discus
  66. Seahorse Pictures
  67. look what i got today
  68. Reversed Flow Under Gravel Filtration ?
  69. filtration questions
  70. Post your Synodontis
  71. Post your PLECO
  72. Anyone ever hear of keeping jellyfish?
  73. Live Plants
  74. Saltwater Reef Feast
  75. Equipment sale
  76. While waiting for spring ponding........
  77. Gotta share
  78. My first aquarium
  79. This is mine.
  80. This is mine.
  81. Discus
  82. Finally got my 140 gal tank
  83. If you have the time!
  84. Tropical fish stores in WA
  85. Temp. homes for the aqautic equines
  86. My 140 gal tank
  87. I think I'm losing my older betta
  88. Choking Jack Dempsey
  89. Crab Identification
  90. Pygmy Seahorse Video
  91. Cichlid food for red capped oranda?
  92. What's a good price on a 150 gallon aquarium w/ stand, lights, and lid?
  93. High Nitrate
  94. Guppies
  95. ~!no My Fish Are Dying!~
  96. babies
  97. Reef people help me out plz
  98. Play sand for substrate.
  99. Red fin sharks
  100. anyone heard of this filter before?
  101. Hey Graham!!!!!!!!!!!!
  102. Know of Absolutley Fish in Jersey?
  103. Red Worms?
  104. New Oscar beat other one up!
  105. Cichlids going to breed, I think?
  106. new tank?
  107. I just put in a new air pump - it's one of those
  108. Here's a picture of my tropical aquarium with the
  109. look what i got
  110. Feeding Habits
  111. Fish smell
  112. Platy death
  113. Mollie's
  114. My tank
  115. Show us your tanks
  116. friends for arowana?
  117. update on Albert the office Betta...
  118. First tank
  119. First Aquarium - Got a Question
  120. Saltwater or Freshwater?
  121. Has anyone here used Flourite substrate for
  122. Here's a picture of my new aquarium! It's
  123. Death by Misadventure
  124. the water in my new aquarium has gotten slightly
  125. Aquarium decorations
  126. The ammonia tested very high in my aquarium this
  127. Here are some faces only a goldfish mama could
  128. Albert gets a bigger office tank!
  129. I have a new Oscar!
  130. New Freshwater Tank (Setup Help)
  131. 6 months later this what i got!!!!!!!!!!!!
  132. Here's a picture of my new tank - got it and set it up on
  133. What filtration media is in your filter?
  134. My new fish
  135. Small aquarium questions
  136. I have a Penguin filter - 350 for my aquarium. It has
  137. Turtle Habitat
  138. Need help with my betta
  139. Show us your Cichlid tanks!
  140. Awsome
  141. A few pics to share
  142. I'm doing water changes weekly and testing daily.
  143. My new freshwater tank
  144. 40 gallon square tanks
  145. Has anyone here used a product called
  146. My bio wheel
  147. Angry Pacu
  148. Fresh Water Parrot Fish - opinions?
  149. cray fish
  150. Python for your aquarium?
  151. DW's New Aquarium
  152. I bought a new filter today - a second one for
  153. I need some help...
  154. Help with new Aquarium for Koi
  155. 42 gallon bowfront?!
  156. 75 Gallon with Stand for Sale
  157. Here's a picture of my 2-mo. old aquarium now -
  158. Best way to euthanize a fish?
  159. My bettas
  160. best way to start up an aquarium
  161. Here's a picture of my 56 gal aquarium after totally cleaning
  162. new anthias
  163. Help please
  164. bought a 46 gallon bowfront w/o lid
  165. Looking for a stand
  166. Flounder's 80g Bow Front Planted Tank
  167. pics
  168. Sorry PICS actually attached to this one
  169. Glow In The Dark Fish
  170. DIY Background
  171. Planted tank pics.
  172. I went home yesterday to several uprooted plants in
  173. What to do? New fish
  174. My Australian breeding grounds
  175. Anyone ever put a bottom drain in an aquarium?
  176. Here are some pics of a much clearer tank - you can see the
  177. Free 500 Gallon aquarium by me
  178. Where can you get the best priced glass/acrylic
  179. Sea Horses
  180. I have 2 penguin filters on my 56gal. aquarium. How and where
  181. magnum hang on tank
  182. Pictus Catfish
  183. yellowheaded jawfish
  184. Anybody keep freshwater shrimp?
  185. New Aquarium
  186. Wife Wants To Get An Aquarium...HELP!
  187. New Fish!
  188. Starting up SW tanks (long winded)
  189. I want a salt tank
  190. Cold water SW tank
  191. want to start a salt tank
  192. Post your bettas@@@!!!!!!!!
  193. Veil tails???
  194. Would like small SW tank
  195. Tank Before The Move
  196. Need DIY Help for 150 gallon Aquarium
  197. Fish Room
  198. Brackish Salinity
  199. dwarf seahorses
  200. Koi clay
  201. Long Beach Aquarium
  202. seahorses
  203. Betta spa
  204. Aquarium? show us..
  205. I want a shrimp tank with plants!
  206. reasonable arowanas
  207. Can I turn this tank into a saltwater set up?
  208. My Christmas Present!
  209. Snails
  210. I don't know if this belongs here - it was a "near"
  211. Need help on breeding bettas
  212. How much koi clay would you put into a 56 gal. aquarium
  213. Live Rock
  214. Light for planted tank
  215. Sand or bare bottom?
  216. Planted tank,CO2
  217. Urgent help needed!!
  218. Additional info on zCO2 and planted tanks
  219. Blue Rocks
  220. Bought a fish
  221. first attempt to breed betta
  222. Substrate
  223. Driftwood
  224. Show us your Planted Tank pics
  225. ocean free
  226. Want To Buy
  227. beginner plants for aquarium - help me learn
  228. yay betta finally bred
  229. Aquarium heater question....
  230. Tank's Bottom Support
  231. Blue Lobster
  232. Bamboo
  233. hehe look at what i got
  234. OK..I have a stupid question
  235. good plant substrate
  236. New Plants Coming
  237. New Plants
  238. Just Starting
  239. compact lighting
  240. drying freeze dried tubifex?
  241. Additional Fish
  242. Amazon Sword problem........
  243. Goldfish, Plants, & Nitrates
  244. reef people can i see some pics of reefs?
  245. Where To Buy Fish
  246. dead betta fries
  247. El Cheapo Plant Tank
  248. i see only 6 betta fries swimming normally!!
  249. medication has dyed my rocks blue
  250. diy canister filter