- Electric Blue Cichlid
- I opened the aquarium and found a big egg mass or an alien
- New Aquarium Fish
- You asked for pictures
- Aquarium set-up
- Good marine aquarium sites? Both for info and commercial?
- Monterey Bay Aquarium
- And the Oscars go to.........
- Biggest aquarium - Atlanta - Whale sharks
- Stupid aquarium question
- Blammo, This African Cichlid Tank Big Enough For You???
- Ripley's Aquarium Myrtle Beach, SC ~Pics~
- new aquarium!
- Aquarium, Filter, and Fish Recommendations?
- Wayne's Fish Tank - Photos and Journal
- Aquarium filter
- Downtown Aquarium
- More Aquarium Photos
- Show Us Your African Cichlid
- Best aquarium filtration?
- Aquarium as QT & UVs installed...
- Question on indoor fish tank
- The Aquarium of the Americas - Reopening next week after losing 10,000+ fish in storm
- Koikeeperteachers Class Aquarium
- easier than koi..
- Coral Color picture
- salt water gurus
- some coral pics
- New fish tank that makes it easy to do water changes
- 125 gal aquarium filter question
- Georgia Aquarium looses whale shark
- saltwater tank event
- Salt water forum?
- Welcome to the Salt and Fresh water Aquariums Forum!
- My Fresh Water Pets
- What Kind Of Fresh Or Salt Water Fish
- Who Has Angel Fish
- My main 155 reef tank
- Thinking about doing a saltwater tank
- My 250 gallon reef tank
- do you need a Refugium
- uv lights in salt water reef tank?
- My S.American cat
- New Aquarium smell
- New tank-lower PH-help
- My Betta Buddies
- Free Butterkofi Cichlid...
- Pondquarium
- Oscars
- Plecos
- Betta question
- Artificial Reef Failure
- Seahorse Video
- 75 gallon tank
- reef tank pics
- Some new coral
- Aquarium Adventure store in Columbus Ohio
- Aplocheilus lineatus...
- How hard are reef tanks?
- hitchhiking sea slugs??
- here it is 46 gallon redo again
- Nano Cubes?
- I dumped my betta tanks
- Experienced Reef Keepers.
- Our new Discus
- Seahorse Pictures
- look what i got today
- Reversed Flow Under Gravel Filtration ?
- filtration questions
- Post your Synodontis
- Post your PLECO
- Anyone ever hear of keeping jellyfish?
- Live Plants
- Saltwater Reef Feast
- Equipment sale
- While waiting for spring ponding........
- Gotta share
- My first aquarium
- This is mine.
- This is mine.
- Discus
- Finally got my 140 gal tank
- If you have the time!
- Tropical fish stores in WA
- Temp. homes for the aqautic equines
- My 140 gal tank
- I think I'm losing my older betta
- Choking Jack Dempsey
- Crab Identification
- Pygmy Seahorse Video
- Cichlid food for red capped oranda?
- What's a good price on a 150 gallon aquarium w/ stand, lights, and lid?
- High Nitrate
- Guppies
- ~!no My Fish Are Dying!~
- babies
- Reef people help me out plz
- Play sand for substrate.
- Red fin sharks
- anyone heard of this filter before?
- Hey Graham!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Know of Absolutley Fish in Jersey?
- Red Worms?
- New Oscar beat other one up!
- Cichlids going to breed, I think?
- new tank?
- I just put in a new air pump - it's one of those
- Here's a picture of my tropical aquarium with the
- look what i got
- Feeding Habits
- Fish smell
- Platy death
- Mollie's
- My tank
- Show us your tanks
- friends for arowana?
- update on Albert the office Betta...
- First tank
- First Aquarium - Got a Question
- Saltwater or Freshwater?
- Has anyone here used Flourite substrate for
- Here's a picture of my new aquarium! It's
- Death by Misadventure
- the water in my new aquarium has gotten slightly
- Aquarium decorations
- The ammonia tested very high in my aquarium this
- Here are some faces only a goldfish mama could
- Albert gets a bigger office tank!
- I have a new Oscar!
- New Freshwater Tank (Setup Help)
- 6 months later this what i got!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Here's a picture of my new tank - got it and set it up on
- What filtration media is in your filter?
- My new fish
- Small aquarium questions
- I have a Penguin filter - 350 for my aquarium. It has
- Turtle Habitat
- Need help with my betta
- Show us your Cichlid tanks!
- Awsome
- A few pics to share
- I'm doing water changes weekly and testing daily.
- My new freshwater tank
- 40 gallon square tanks
- Has anyone here used a product called
- My bio wheel
- Angry Pacu
- Fresh Water Parrot Fish - opinions?
- cray fish
- Python for your aquarium?
- DW's New Aquarium
- I bought a new filter today - a second one for
- I need some help...
- Help with new Aquarium for Koi
- 42 gallon bowfront?!
- 75 Gallon with Stand for Sale
- Here's a picture of my 2-mo. old aquarium now -
- Best way to euthanize a fish?
- My bettas
- best way to start up an aquarium
- Here's a picture of my 56 gal aquarium after totally cleaning
- new anthias
- Help please
- bought a 46 gallon bowfront w/o lid
- Looking for a stand
- Flounder's 80g Bow Front Planted Tank
- pics
- Sorry PICS actually attached to this one
- Glow In The Dark Fish
- DIY Background
- Planted tank pics.
- I went home yesterday to several uprooted plants in
- What to do? New fish
- My Australian breeding grounds
- Anyone ever put a bottom drain in an aquarium?
- Here are some pics of a much clearer tank - you can see the
- Free 500 Gallon aquarium by me
- Where can you get the best priced glass/acrylic
- Sea Horses
- I have 2 penguin filters on my 56gal. aquarium. How and where
- magnum hang on tank
- Pictus Catfish
- yellowheaded jawfish
- Anybody keep freshwater shrimp?
- New Aquarium
- Wife Wants To Get An Aquarium...HELP!
- New Fish!
- Starting up SW tanks (long winded)
- I want a salt tank
- Cold water SW tank
- want to start a salt tank
- Post your bettas@@@!!!!!!!!
- Veil tails???
- Would like small SW tank
- Tank Before The Move
- Need DIY Help for 150 gallon Aquarium
- Fish Room
- Brackish Salinity
- dwarf seahorses
- Koi clay
- Long Beach Aquarium
- seahorses
- Betta spa
- Aquarium? show us..
- I want a shrimp tank with plants!
- reasonable arowanas
- Can I turn this tank into a saltwater set up?
- My Christmas Present!
- Snails
- I don't know if this belongs here - it was a "near"
- Need help on breeding bettas
- How much koi clay would you put into a 56 gal. aquarium
- Live Rock
- Light for planted tank
- Sand or bare bottom?
- Planted tank,CO2
- Urgent help needed!!
- Additional info on zCO2 and planted tanks
- Blue Rocks
- Bought a fish
- first attempt to breed betta
- Substrate
- Driftwood
- Show us your Planted Tank pics
- ocean free
- Want To Buy
- beginner plants for aquarium - help me learn
- yay betta finally bred
- Aquarium heater question....
- Tank's Bottom Support
- Blue Lobster
- Bamboo
- hehe look at what i got
- OK..I have a stupid question
- good plant substrate
- New Plants Coming
- New Plants
- Just Starting
- compact lighting
- drying freeze dried tubifex?
- Additional Fish
- Amazon Sword problem........
- Goldfish, Plants, & Nitrates
- reef people can i see some pics of reefs?
- Where To Buy Fish
- dead betta fries
- El Cheapo Plant Tank
- i see only 6 betta fries swimming normally!!
- medication has dyed my rocks blue
- diy canister filter